Bastiaan de Haas

Director — Photographer — Graphic Designer.

Selected projects

Un Bel Nulla
Un Bel Nulla
Documentary — Director  
(Currently in Production)

Un Bel Nulla is a portrait of a small town in the middle of Abruzzo, Italy. Trough the 20 remaining inhabitants, we get a glimpse of what life is like, in a village that knows it won't exist soon.

In Onze Natuur
In Onze Natuur
Documentary & Dance film — Director

A visual portrait of the Dutch in their attempt at mending their broken relationship with nature. They are faced with their most difficult adversary yet: themselves.

La Gomera
Islas Canarias, La Gomera
Photography — 35MM

Right next to the Sahara desert, surrounded by the embrace of the Atlantic Ocean — lies the wonderful island of La Gomera. Modest in size, but spectacular in its diverse landscapes.

La Gomera
All my work
Photographer  — Director

Based in Rotterdam, Bastiaan intertwines his diverse interests in human behavior, ecology, geology, and history through film.

His work, characterized by simplicity, wide angles, and analog styles, invites viewers to find their own meanings, reflecting his enthusiasm for surroundings and a touch of absurdism.



    +31 (0) 612310619


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